Sunday, July 26, 2009

Tasks! 1.0 on App Store

After 14 days of waiting, Tasks! 1.0 is finally here.

I've made a presentation for Tasks! 1.0 so you can quickly get a idea what Tasks! is all about.

You can get your own copy of Tasks! on App Store here

Also, please don't forget to write your review for us. :-)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Tasks! submitted for Apple review

A normal day for a big software release, well, maybe not that big considering that Tasks! is only a mobile software. But mobile softwares often tend to be much useful than computer softwares, thanks to their mobility.

Tasks! is specially designed with mobility in mind, it helps you remember always what you need to do next. It also can help you keep track of what you've done and let you review your own productivity so you can always improve it by knowing where you should put your time on the next time.

Tasks! is fully interactivity and very pleasant to use, once you start using it, you'll know how simple, productive and sticky it is, and how it can help you start to really appreciate your own time.

I'd say I'm very excited that Tasks! can finally meet the world, I hope review process finishes soon and you users like it, if not love it! :-)

Monday, July 13, 2009

Tasks! Support Page

You can write me here if you have found a bug, or if you have questions/suggestions about the product. I will process your requests as soon as possible.

Thanks for using Tasks!

By Tasks! author