Tuesday, August 11, 2009

How to prepare a theme image for Tasks!

Custom theme image is supported starting from Tasks! 1.2 by shaking the iPhone/iPod Touch vertically (Hold it in portrait orientation).

You can download some of the theme images I have prepared for you with your iPhone/iPod Touch Safari here: http://bit.ly/Nz1GO

Or you can prepare your own image in no time following the rest of this article.

Images used by Tasks! follow these rules:
  • 448x350 of size
  • Must be dark so we can read text above it
You can follow these steps to prepare an image for Tasks!:
  1. Find your image, but ensure it's bigger than 448x350, otherwise you need to enlarge it
  2. Open Photoshop or any other capable image editing software
  3. Resize and/or crop to 448x350 depending on your image
  4. To make your image darker, you can adjust the lightness of your image or add a black layer below the image layer and make your image layer's opacity to around 25% or so
After you've done preparing the image, you can upload it to your iPhone/iPod's Camera Roll.

WARNING: iTunes synced photo's quality is decreased, it may not be a problem for high resolution photos but for small images (like ours) it's not acceptable.

So, we first upload our image to some website where we can download later. Then we download the image using iPhone/iPod's Safari (By tap and hold the image). Now you have in your camera roll the full quality image. Here we recommend you to upload your images to http://twitpic.com/. You just need your Twitter account to upload images on it (with no decrease of image quality).

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